We are all Raindrops

Jun 1, 2022
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

There’s a beauty in being present,

In just feeling your breath go up and down,

In just watching a raindrop fall on the surface of your window;

It dances slowly,

Swirling left and right,

Towards the bottom,

The ending; a certainty,

But it’s dance; unique and beautiful.

Like life;

The end is certain,

But the dance from birth to death,

That is where everything matters.

That is where love comes in,

Piercing these cycles,

Creating homes, feelings and memories that will live along time itself,

Immortal against the rise and fall of everything.

I have cried,

I have danced,

I have worried,

I have sung,

I have loved,

I live


Even when I lose Life’s meaning in the hollows I’ve dug.

Still, I live


That is my universal yet unique dance,

I am the raindrop,

We all are.

