I Worry Too Much

2 min readAug 12, 2022
Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay

I worry too much.

I worry about everything and everyone and anything.

I worry that the people I love will look at my shadows, then never see my light.

I worry that humanity will fall on its ego and land in its grave,

And I worry that I worry so much.


It follows me like the tide.

When the sun keeps the sand and ocean warm,

The tide is calm and welcoming,

But when the moon rises,

And brings with it the tide,

The water that used to tease the shore now envelopes me.


The present is a funny thing,

It’s always there, but I’m not always there.

I sometimes dive into the past and try to tie a circle and a square together with glue.

Or sometimes, I try to peer into the future, but all I see are my fears and my dreams.


I worry too much.

I worry about everything and everyone and anything.

I worry that life won’t have my back if I give it my trust.

